Welcome to LeanIn Prep! -2023-Archived

Lean In Prep logo Be excellent

The Lean In! Prep Program works to support young blind individuals in guaranteeing a bright and successful future. This is our second year of undertaking this program, and we have made great strides to make sure we have learned and improved in as many areas as possible. We hope you enjoy our products, please lean in and support our cause. “Connecting with people who are also visually impaired or blind who can answer practical questions and provide support for employment has been by far the best part of the program for me. Through it, I’ve been able to motivate and empower myself and have grown in how I think of myself and my visual impairment.” – Lean In! Candidate

A Message from our President, Gary Horton

We Support the Peaces of Me Foundation

Peaces of Me logo

Some of our profit will go to the Peaces of Me Foundation, a non-profit organization which also strives to support people with all kinds of impairments.

Learn More About Our Program

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